a2j  - The Quiz!


Welcome to the addicted2jesus Christian quiz! Here's your chance to test your bible knowledge, pit yourself with the best in the world and win cool prizes!

The quiz is simple enough. Simply answer the questions to the best of your ability without referring your bible or anything else. Winners will be selected based on the basis of the most number of right answers. In case of ties separate winners will be selected based on the first person to give in the answer and the fastest quizzer.

The prizes? That's the fun part!! You decide what the winner gets. As it is a pretty expensive thing to buy and mail prizes I decided that the prizes will be partly contributed by participants. If each of you contributed just 50 cents (or more) to the quiz, I am sure that we can get some cool prizes - CDs, books, cassettes, ... and many more. Its not a compulsion, just a request. All money will be used for the prizes. Also if a winner chooses to, instead of a prize he/she may decide to contribute the amount to some Christian organization of his/her choice, etc.


Simply enter some basic information and your e-mail and click on submit. You will directly enter the quiz and your entry time will be logged. Answer the questions by entering the answers in the boxes provided. Click on submit to send your answer and also log your end time. That's it! You have to answer all the questions within one hour of entering the quiz.

You can take the quiz as an individual or as a group (family, friends, youth group, church etc consisting of a maximum of 5 members). Please read the FAQs for more details


Basically the quiz is meant to test your knowledge. You are NOT allowed to refer the bible, any book or search the net or ask anyone else for the answers.

You can take the quiz only once. There's no point in answering the questions you have already seen before.

You are not allowed to tell anyone the questions after you have seen them.

Common sense will tell you not to cheat and also the Holy Spirit will convict you!!!

Read the FAQs for more details or use the contact me form to ask your queries (answered within 24 hours).

If you would like to contribute towards the quiz prizes before entering the quiz (costs as little as 50 cents!!), please click here (opens in a new window)

 Click here to go to the entry page


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