and Deeds |
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2:17 James
2:26 |
you the kinda Christian who has the Faith but can't show it? Well.... read
on and get spurred into a higher level of Faith!!
Now James, I guess, believed in dynamic Christian living. In this passage he urges Christians to not just 'keep the faith' but rather 'live the faith'. What good is it if you believe in something but do nothing to proclaim it or show it?!! To DANIEL faith wasn't praying quietly in a corner when he knew it was against the king's order. It meant flinging open the windows and praying many times a day even though he knew that his life was on the line!! To ABRAHAM Faith wasn't telling his son 'We will come back' and then standing there trembling at the foot of the hill hoping that God would stop him! It meant going on top, tying his son down and raising the knife....BECAUSE GOD MATTERED MORE TO HIM THAN HIS OWN SON!! D'you still wanna be a Christian who wants to keep your Faith in Christ a secret which others have to struggle to decipher? Or d'you wanna live the kinda life that boldly proclaims it??!
ADDICTED2JESUS ENCOURAGES YOU TO You ain't a true Christian if you ain't gonna show it!! But be warned.... empty deeds that reflect nothing mean nothing. Deeds that reflect your Faith are powerful. I
believe that there isn't a better passage in the Bible than Hebrews
Chapter 11 to drive this message home. Hebrews 11 1. Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see 2.......(look up your bible for more exciting details!!)
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