a2j ''Christian Resources links! |
This page links you to sites that will help you find more about Jesus Christ and have bible-studies, prayer, discussions, notes etc...
Instructions to add your url are at the end of this page!
keywords: Bible in 1 year, Bible Chapter Profile, Bible Dictionary, Tools for the Ministry, Events and Happenings, Missions and Persecutions, Christian Statistics, Book Views and Reviews, Cds and Cassettes, Teen Trek, Todays Family, News Letter, Organizations, Sportive Witness, Personality Development, Questions to Answers, Missionary, Daily Bible thought |
2000christian.com |
This Website contains daily events and happenings in and around the world about Christians. You can read the Bible in one year. It a has Bible Chapter profile and a Bible Dictionary, information about Christian books, cds and cassettes and also a statistics of Christians around the world. |
keywords: Christianity, Devotionals, Prayer, Jesus, Insirational, Born again. |
Heathers House of God |
website dedicated to our Lord and Savior Jesus. Filled with Christian graphocs and links, devotionals, prayer, scripture, bible search, daily verses and more... |
keywords: prophecy theology devotions testimony |
The Available Light |
Devoted to the prophetic, apologetics, theology, signs and wonders, revival, renewal, and general Christian teachings |
keywords: Apologetics radio duluth bible cdu jesus flaherty books |
Christian Defense Update |
Defending the scriptures through radio and the internet. |
keywords: bible search versions reference NIV NKJV ASV |
Bible Gateway Bible Search |
Bible search engine, and concordance - available with 7 different translations of the Bible. |
keywords: verses art animation dynanimation paul praying daily pictures |
Resources to live victoriously for Jesus in today's world |
keywords: poem study bible savior poetry literature |
The One Way Home Homepage |
A great site with stuff "for everyone (young or old, Jew or Gentile, saint or sinner) regarding the purpose and way to salvation, gifts, promises and blessings, names and titles of God, an on-line Bible on some of the pages, as well as numerous uplifting poems" |
keywords: Messiah, y2k, pastor, minister, reverend ,evangelist, preacher, sinner, sermons, salvation, faith, grace, Protestant, Catholic, religion, revival, Jehovah, Yahweh, Lord, second coming, prophecy, music books |
The Jesus Site - A Christian Resource Center on the Web |
A Christian Resource Center on the Web to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Assist Christians in Their Relationship With Christ |
Click here to add your url (all sites will be reviewed and only then added. This process is manual and I promise I'll do it sometime soon....within the next 100 years!! -just kidding buddy!!)
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