addicted2jesus - cool witness tools

The truth is there are a lotta people in cyberworld who dunno the truth about Christ. There's a great ocean of people who need to know Him. If you think about it, the majority of people who visit Christian websites are people who already know Jesus. I've often wondered about ways to reach out to people in cyberworld who have never known him. One obvious way to introduce Christ to these people is to ensure that they 
visit a good Christian website. Now how d'you do that?!!

Howzabout trading visits??! Sounds simple... and trust me... it is simple. There are a lotta webmaster tools out there that promise to send random 
visors to your website if you simply surf other members websites. These are safe tools and ensure that no pornographic, violent or abusive sites are 
shown (which suits me fine!) For every 1 or 2 sites that you visit, they will send a visitor to your website. What I do is to put an introduction 
page that will introduce my website to them and then hope it interests them! It may sound far-fetched, but there are a lotta people out there who are interested... if only they knew! Most of these sites give you credit only if you stay on each site about 30 seconds. That means you can reach 120 people in 1 hour!! An amazing tool... if you use it well.

Some rules and suggestions:
- Please go by the rules!!
- Remember that another member may stay on your site for less than a minute
- Your page should load soon... don't snazz it up with sounds and pictures that will slow it
- If your page has a link on it where visitors can read more, ensure that it opens in a new frame. This will make sure that other members can continue to surf without a problem.
- I'd appreciate it if you can leave my name as your referrer if you decide to join these programs. It gives me additional credits!
- If you think that any of these programs allow bad sites to be members, please mention it to me.
- To find out what page I use in these programs click here!
- You can join these programs even if you are not a webmaster.  Simply register the url of your favorite Christian site!!
- To add on any more such programs or any comments, please email me with the subject new witness tool.

The programs marked with an asterix (*) are recommended

EZHITS4u* my id: sleepy
WEBMASTERQUEST* my id: sleepy
TRAFFICG* my id: sleepy
HIT HARVESTER* my id: sleepy
CLICKTHRU my id : 225555
MC EXIT* my id: sleepy
TOPSURFER my id: sleepy
CLICKSILO my id: sleepy
ETRAFFICBLAST my id: sleepy
TRAFFIC FLARE my id:112791
XERLUL my id: 63994

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