

Hi! Welcome to my discussion page. I've just started this part. The aim of this site is simple. Share your thoughts and let your testimony be seen! Don't be surprised if you find that you are the first to start any of these discussions. It may take time before this site gets any traffic! Feel free to pour your heart out. But remember, this site is dedicated to lifting Jesus' name. It is a site for DISCUSSIONS - not ARGUMENTS! (There is a difference ya know...).

Christians and Alcohol

This is a topic that sounds so simple! But there are many things I've heard. Can a Christian consume any alcohol in any form? People tend to use and misuse various scriptures. What do you think?

Leave your thoughts here on this Message Board


Your testimony

Here's where you can leave your testimonies. praise points, prayer requests. You needn't write pages and pages of your life story! Just a simple incident where Jesus touched you is all that is needed....! 
Somebody's life will be touched by it!

Put it on this Message Board

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