Remember the time you used those colored crayons to scrawl all over the walls and thought it looked pretty till your mom blew her top!! Well you still ain't too old to do that. 

Here's the official a2j graffiti wall - scrawl wall!!

Go ahead and let your imagination loose. Click here to add your mark to this wall!!

john 3:16
god is good all the time
Jesus - Lord over all!!BUSY -Being Under Satan's YokeI'm savesjesus rawked my worldLivin' for Jesus ain't a part time job! I Love Jesus!Jesus Shines In My LifeJesus is the LIGHT! Devils Just Don't Win!BE BOLD,BE STRONG.WALK IN FAITH&VICTORY,FOR OUR GOD IS WITH JeSuS iSH dA bOmBesT!!!anyone can count the seeds in an apple,...but only God can

Find a quiet place

            JESUS ROCKS!!                    Jesus Lives!!!!              have you danced with jesus lately?What Would Jesus Do!Jesus is Sinless!


r u ready 2 get addicted2jesus?!!

Fully Rely On God!

want hardcor? try jesus!no jesus no peace! know jesus know peace!!addicted2jesus



jesus freak!  pray!

God is in CONTROL!!Jesus is the rock and He rolls my blues away,.....jesus saves    wal-mart isn't the only saving place

god is cooool



i'm saved delivered and healed...





Just give me Jesus!benjamin loves JESUS!





To add your entry to the wall fill in the form below and I'll do the honors. if you have a snazzy image you wanna add on, let me know and I'll put it on the wall!!

Your Name

E-mail Address

statement you wanna scrawl on the wall

Please mention the font/color style etc. that you would like

if you have the image as a gif/jpg file type in the url where i can get it (Please note - images must have no background colour) 

Your homepage url 

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