- Never Gonna Be As Big As Jesus - Good
People - I'm Not the King - Walk
on Water - See Through -
Man of God - Gloryland - Bag
Lady - I Hear Jesus Calling - Memoir
Secret |
I once was lost in a foaming,
roaming, rabid sea
then blooms blossomed, changed my outlook
now I've been set free
I once was sinking in a quarry of quicksand
somebody noticed and they offered me a hand.
I want to tell it, I want to
say it, I want to show it,
want you to know it
I've got a secret
and I cannot keep it
I've got a secret
and I cannot keep it
There is a God and He's alive and He
treats me well
that is the secret Mrs. Mademoiselle
I want to tell it, I want to say it, I
want to show it,
I want you to know it
I've got a secret to the universe
Until you hear it you can't know what it's worth
Never Gonna Be as Big as Jesus | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I could move to Hollywood
get my teeth capped I know I could
be a big star on the silver screen
just like James Dean I could be a star
I could climb the corporate ladder
buy, sell, and liquidate
Maybe be just like the Beatles
melodic, rocking heavyweights
I could learn to sing and dance
if I only had a chance
I could be a big rock star
I could be anything I wanted to
I wanted to
I could be anything but one thing's true
Never gonna be as big as Jesus
never gonna hold the world in my hand
never gonna be as big as Jesus
never gonna build a promised land
but that's alright with me
I could build a tower to heaven
get on top and touch the sky
I could write a million songs
all designed to glorify
I could be about as good
good as any human could
but that won't get me by
Good People | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Every day I choose
to walk in their shoes
'cause pretty are the feet of those
who bring the good news
Good people
good, good people
everywhere, everywhere it's God's people
Been on the road been far from home
but I found me a friend or two
time has taught me well and I can tell you
the good things people do
they really care and I've been there
seen it with my eyes
you can tell that they're God's people
by the goodness in their lives
I'm not the King | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'm not the King I just sing
I'm just a fraction of a thing
I am not anything without the King of Kings
If I were King I'd be unwise
for my brains aren't King size
a King's someone to trust and love
like Jesus Christ whom I sing of
Walk on Water | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jesus walked out on the water
said take courage it is me
Peter trusted and he wanted to go farther
so he stepped out on the sea
If I keep my eyes on Jesus I can
walk on water
If I keep my eyes on Jesus I can walk on water
Just like peter I want to go
tread on the sea and walk on the water
step where he steps and go where he goes
side by side when the sea billows roll
I'll be alright when the wind comes
I'll be alright when the waves come crashing
I'm not afraid for this is my father's world
See Through | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'm unstable and extreme
good to bad , I've been burnt in between
the smoke from the fire in my soul
makes a transparent haze
There are things that I can't hide
that would make some people think I've lied
I try to do right but I fail
don't set your eyes on me
I drive all night to sing this song
but I don't even care
Some people want a piece of me
but I've got none to share
Don't you know that God loves you
Don't you know that I try too
I've been known to miss my cue
Don't look at me I'm see through
I would love to be made perfect
but instead I have the grace of God
you should look through me
and you will see what I want to be
Man of God | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sometimes I'm a liar sometimes I'm
a fake
sometimes I'm a hypocrite that everybody hates
sometimes I'm a poet sometimes I'm a preacher
sometimes I watch life go by sitting on the bleacher
But I've never been left alone
in any problem that I've known
even though I'm to blame
there were times when things were dark
and I've been known to miss the mark
but someone fixed my aim
Sometimes I'm a man of God
sometimes I'm alright
sometimes I lay down close my eyes
and pray to God
Sometimes I don't feel good
it's hard to start the day
it's hard to climb the obstacles
that sometimes come my way
if I make it, I'm a good man
am I a bad man if I fail?
I know I'm never good enough
so I let grace prevail
But I've never been left alone
in any problem that I've known
even though I'm to blame
there were times when things were dark
and I've been known to miss the mark
but someone fixed my aim
Sometimes I'm a man of God
sometimes I'm alright
sometimes I lay down close my eyes
and pray to God I'm ready for the night
Gloryland | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
If you want to come with me there's room
there are no legal limits
there's always room for one more soul
so why not come and get it
I want to ride this train to Gloryland
so why don't you come up here
and join the band?
Met the man with the beard
halfway through Kentucky
He walked with me and he talked with me
some people say I'm lucky
for that day the man I met payed the full price
now I ride the train for free
the train to Paradise
Bag Lady | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Flea bitten bag lady
once you looked fine
you had a family you loved
just like mine
Second hand clothing
and knots in your hair
Tonight you might die
but would anyone care
Sweet little lady you soul is worth gold
don't believe all the lies you've been told
I've got a friend a friend indeed
who comes to the rescue of damsels in need
Friend and Father repair their souls
make them feel wanted
make them feel whole
Friend and Father repair their souls
make them feel wanted
make them feel whole
Young daddy's daughter with child on the
made a mistake but that's okay
life is the most precious gift of them all
Just cry on my shoulder and I'll give a call
I Hear Jesus Calling | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I see what eyes cannot see
and ears cannot hear
and brains cannot perceive
I see a spirit over me
that guides protects and keeps me
from some wrecks
I hear Jesus calling
I hear Jesus calling
I hear Jesus calling
I hear words that were said
over two thousand years ago
I hear the spirit when he's near
reminds me who I belong to
I hear Jesus calling
I hear Jesus calling
I hear Jesus calling
Softly and tenderly my Jesus is calling
calling for you and for me
I hear Jesus calling
Memoir | ![]() ![]() |
There is music and laughter lately
and there's prayers and praise there
are reasons to be so happy and beliefs to embrace
there are times to be so angry I'd rather lie in the sun
It's the summer of my lifetime
I've been blessed with some fun
I'm a season past springtime
and my life has gone boom
keep my eyes on the Father
everything is in bloom
Everything will just get better
through the seasons I'll roam
when all of the music's over
I will get to go home
I don't need theology
to know that God's been good to me
He's given me a family
and a place to lay my head
Flung into the great unknown
I was walking on my own
now I'll never walk alone
if I did I would be dead
I can't use it all myself
so I take it off the shelf here it is,
enjoy yourself put away your drudgery,
use it up,
there's always more
that's what it's intended for
be the Lord's ambassador
to be the planets remedy
All words and music by Barry Blair, Bob
Will McGinnis, Mark Stuart, ©1996 Up In The
Mix Music (a division of The Forefront Communications
Group, Inc.) (BMI) All rights reserved.
International copyright secured. Except for
"Free Ride", words and music by Daniel Hartman
© Silversteed Music/Multi-Level Music.