a2j  Christian humor links !


Here's where you can find cool Christian humor. Get clicking and split your sides laughing. (PS: As a doc I KNOW that laughter IS the almost BEST medicine - Only Jesus heals better than laughter does!!!)

Instructions to add your url are at the end of this page!

keywords: christian humor, religious humor, christian humour, religious humour
The Humor Hotline
Christian humor - enjoy our collection of thought-provoking religious humor.

keywords: catoons,comics,jokes,humor,holy humor
HILARIOUS religious FAR SIDE-type cartoons! Endorsed by Bil Keane (creator, The Family Circus), Johnny Hart (creator, B.C.), Focus on the Family's 'Breakaway' magazine & many others! "...GOOD MEDICINE...is VERY funny!..." -Charles M. Schulz (creator, Peanuts)


keywords: jokes, all ages, christian 
Sander's Christian Humor
This site is safe for all ages! Guaranteed!  The best of Christian humor and good clean jokes!  A place where you can come and get a good laugh! 


keywords: Christian humor, comic, cartoon, funny 
Christian Humor Info
Christian humor, comics, cartoons. Please click above to enter. Thank you.



Click here to add your url (all sites will be reviewed and only then added. This process is manual and I promise I'll do it sometime soon....within the next 100 years!! -just kidding buddy!!)

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